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We have started our walk and are heading south of Warwick (Virtually) People have signed up and set themselves a daily step challenge right up until the 19th of December 2021. We are tracking everyone's progress and at the end of our challenge we will collectively see how far we got across the map. All of the money we raised will be going towards shopping for essential items that the local foodbank will need leading up to


Watch this space for updates of how we are all getting on. 


October 11th 2021

Lots of fabulous people have joined us to complete the Walk Ahead with Way Ahead to raise money for the local food bank. We are now all heading south from Warwick on our virtual walk...come back and see the progress over the coming days and weeks. If you want to join us please get in touch as we are excited to see where our collective steps take us across the map over the next 10 weeks.


October 11th 2021

Lots of fabulous people have joined us to complete the Walk Ahead with Way Ahead to raise money for the local food bank. We are now all heading south from Warwick on our virtual walk...come back and see the progress over the coming days and weeks. If you want to join us please get in touch as we are excited to see where our collective steps take us across the map over the next 10 weeks.


C H A L L E N G E  C O M P L E T E!!

21st Of December 2021

Well...we are delighted to say that our plodders and donors raised a massive £330 for the Warwick District Foodbank!!

A group went off yesterday to Morrisons in Leamington Spa and purchased much needed things for the foodbank. Morrisons gave some additional discounts as well as donations of a massive thanks to Alex, Morrisons Community Champion and Kyle the Operations Manager for arranging this with us.

The logging of steps went to the wire and we are pleased to say that every single step logged took us on a virtual journey from Warwick Castle to Norilsk in Russia. 

If anyone would like to make donations separately to Warwick District Foodbank we are sure they will appreciate it

Warwick District Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis


The top three places of plodders who logged the most steps were...

1st Place - Eloise

2nd Place- Neil Chamberlain

3rd Place - Stephanie

W E L L D O N E!!!


H U G E  T H A N K S  T O  E V E R Y O NE !! 


Register those final steps

17th Of December 2021

WHAT A CHALLENGE...its almost over with only a couple of days to register those final few steps. If anyone would like to make any donations that would be brilliant. The money will be all spent on much needed food for the  Warwick District Foodbank

 Warwick District Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis


A massive shout out to Roman who decided to donate £10 to the challenge instead of sending out Christmas cards this year to his friends. Roman has also been logging his steps and is our youngest participant. Thanks Roman  


If you would like to make a donation please pop onto our 

Get Involved page and send us a message and we will get back to you




18th Of November 2021

Getting the steps in

Huge thanks to Mark and Parker for sending in their photos of their walks on the Isle of Skye. It looks a perfect place to get in some walking whilst enjoying some of the stunning scenery. 


Well the days are shorter and feeling a little more chillier but there are still people out there getting their steps in. 


This is a lengthy challenge in relation to how many weeks it is taking place over so we feel its always worth checking in on the NHS site for some motivational information along with being able to look at the health benefits of walking..

Keep sending in the steps and an update will follow next week of our destination !! 

Walking for health - NHS (

We have reached Mongolia!

December 4th 2021

Well, we have reached Mongolia with all the steps everyone have been sending in!  We have checked  the temperature and in parts of Mongolia it will drop to -20 today which makes our weather feel like a heatwave!!

Not long left of the challenge and the steps keep coming in which is brilliant. We have not been releasing leader boards because we feel for everyone who is taking part it really is about people achieving their personal goals.  What we can say is that  the top 3 hot steppers do not have very much between them so it may well go down to the final few steps to determine who has done the most steps in the challenge.


Thanks again for all of your support!

The final countdown!!

December 10th 2021

Well you fabulous people...we are on the final few days and trekking through Mongolia. Its been a long challenge and everyone has just been brilliant and we are amazed at how far everyone has got... Keep sending in the steps and remember the final day for logging the steps is December 19th 2021. 

4th Of November 2021

Jackie and Simone

Jackie has been taking part in our virtual journey across the globe and has regularly been logging her plodding. Today Jackie went out walking with Simone and has been stacking up the steps. 


Jackie said

'I like going out walking with my staff' and added that she was making sure that Simone did her steps as well today. 

Thanks guys  for sending in a photo of you on your walk.


2nd Of November 2021

Country Hopping!

Well what an update to give...we left Poland and travelled to the Ukraine skimmed through a tip of Belarus then dipped into Russia before reaching Kazakhstan! 

Everyone has been sending in their achievements and it looks like people did a lot of walking through half term. Its certainly colder and wetter now and I imagine some umbrellas have been in action over the past few days. 

Our youngest walker, 8 year old Roman, logged his steps when he was on holiday  and has done brilliantly with helping us country hop. Thanks Roman for sending in those steps.

As always a huge thanks to everyone logging their plodding. A massive shout out to the people who have donated money rather than participated in the actual walk it all  makes a difference!




21st Of October 2021

You amazing people

Sit back and imagine you are on a plane that has just taken off and the pilot makes the usual announcement about the journey you are about to take....

'After a smooth take off from the Isle of Wight we will be heading  back on ourselves to cross over to France then onto  Belgium after which we will cross  on through to Germany before reaching....Poland where the weather is cloudy with a chance of rain'

You amazing and fabulous people have just done that journey ON FOOT and a little bit more. Everyone's plodding and logging is making a huge difference. 

More updates to follow....


If in any doubt of the health benefits from walking take a look at





19th Of October 2021

We are not afraid to ask for directions here at Way Ahead Support Services

Well it seems that everyone was out walking over the weekend and were probably all passing each other without realising. Amazing steps registered and we are flying with the mileage now. Now here at Way Ahead Support Services we are not afraid to ask for directions as and when we need them.. we don't turn the radio down, grip the steering wheel even harder  and drive around and around in the hope that we arrive at our destination. Here at Way Ahead Support Services we pull over and wind that window down and ask for help. As you all know we have been heading south from Warwick and we can see ..well we can see 'Sea'....and a lot of it ! So we have consulted our maps and navigational equipment...(Google Maps) and decided we are going to take a sharp Eastern turn to head towards land and some landmarks that we may recognise a little more.. More updates to follow .

A M A Z I N G  W O R K  G U Y S 



15th Of October 2021

After a short dip in the sea we have reached land again!

We have made a swift virtual journey past Southampton and after walking a short distance over The Solent we made it to the Isle Of Wight! The steps have increased as the week has gone on which is amazing. We are hearing that lots of you have walks planned over the weekend so have a great couple of days everyone and keep logging those steps.


steph shoes.jpg

14th Of October 2021

Homeward bound

Stephanie works at Activity Services and decided to walk home today and smashed the 20000 daily step barrier! A huge achievement and definitely  worth celebrating... perhaps with more walks over the weekend? Great going Stephanie.



13th Of October 2021

Our far

Well our fabulous walkers have been clocking up the mileage. As of 3pm today we have made it to Newbury, for those who are not familiar with Newbury ,if we had been heading to Reading we would have arrived. We are heading towards Southampton at quite a pace so keep sending in your steps and more updates to follow.



Day One Complete

What a flying start! Thanks to everyone who have logged their steps 

via the QR code that was sent out in your welcome pack. We have left Warwick ( virtually) and are well on our way. A great first day everyone 

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All ready to get going

Barbara is our Senior Administrator here at Way Ahead Support Services and she is all ready to get going on the challenge ahead. We usually do a food collection each year and Barbara was keen to do something a little different this year to raise money and awareness. 


'Its been great seeing how many people have signed up to the walk and I am really looking forward to seeing how far everyone gets on the map'



Good Luck Barbara 

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